杯中物, Mugs, 澳門, 酒吧, 品牌定位, 品牌顧問, sam brandesign

Mugs | 杯中物

SAM BRANDESIGN has provided brand positioning and brand consulting services for Mugs, a luxury dining and drinking bar in Macau. Taking inspiration from Cantonese culture, specifically the concept of "holding the mug bottom" (meaning "chatting with close friends"), Mugs integrates local Macau elements into its products and services, creating a unique space that combines Eastern and Western influences, perfect for chatting and enjoying upscale dining experiences.The brand concept for Mugs is centered around the idea of a home living room, providing a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere without the real home presure. It serves as a buffer space for individuals transitioning between their roles in the workplace and at home.


SAM BRANDESIGN為澳門的『杯中物 - Mugs』輕奢餐飲酒吧進行品牌定位與品牌顧問服務。杯中物 - Mugs融合廣東文化『摸杯底 - 意思是閨蜜聊天』為起點,將產品及服務融入澳門特色,提供一個適合聊天、享受輕奢餐飲服務的中西合併場域空間。以家居『客廳』為品牌營業空間概念,營造有家放鬆的感覺,但沒有家沈重的負擔,作為職場與家中角色轉換的緩衝空間。
