
SAM BRANDESIGN did the brand packaging design for the handcrafted beverage brand "Youin." "Youin" was founded by Ah Xun, a member of the YouTube channel "ARIEL'S TRAVEL VLOG" and his roommate Miffy. The packaging design is primarily inspired by the fresh milk cartons commonly used in the market, while incorporating the bright, green, and floral textile elements of the Youin brand found in their beverage shops. The design aims to convey a natural, everyday, and down-to-earth brand image for their fresh milk products.


SAM BRANDESIGN為『有飲 - Youin』手搖飲品進行品牌小農鮮乳包裝設計。『有飲 - Youin』是由 YouTuber 『欸你這週要幹嘛』的成員弟弟阿勳和室友Miffy創立。以市售鮮奶使用的新鮮屋包裝為主體,將有飲手搖飲品店的明亮、綠色與花磚品牌元素延伸到包裝視覺上,傳達出品牌鮮乳天然、日常及接地氣的品牌形象。


"感謝SAM BRANDESIGN在有飲推出自有品牌鮮乳時,協助主視覺設計,讓品牌在週邊推廣上更為聚焦、更顯獨特性。"

- 有飲 -
