Sell Solutions, Not Products

In today's highly competitive market economy, brand attraction is a key factor in achieving success. Theodore Levitt once said, "Sell the hole, not the drill," which profoundly reveals the core principle of brand building. We will explain why amplifying benefits is more valuable than amplifying features.

In a rapidly changing market where consumer demands evolve, businesses need to stand out and capture the attention of customers. Traditionally, many companies focused on the functionalities and features of their products, hoping to attract consumers through these attributes. However, according to a Forbes study, over 60% of consumers prioritize factors aligned with brand values and missions when making purchasing decisions, rather than just product functionalities.


This is why the principle of selling the hole, not the drill, is crucial. When businesses shift their focus from product features to problem-solving, delivering value, and fulfilling a vision, they become more appealing to consumers. For instance, an eco-friendly cleaning product company can emphasize providing a cleaner and healthier environment, rather than solely focusing on the product's features. This brand positioning appeals to consumers who care about environmental protection.

Another essential principle is amplifying benefits instead of features. This means that businesses should concentrate on the actual benefits and value that their products or services bring to consumers, rather than just highlighting product characteristics and functionalities. According to a study conducted by Harvard Business Review, consumers are more inclined to purchase products or services that offer tangible benefits. Therefore, businesses should invest resources in enhancing user experience, improving performance, and delivering more value. This will help increase brand attraction and consumer loyalty.

In conclusion, successful brand building requires focusing on selling the hole, not the drill, and placing emphasis on problem-solving, value delivery, and vision fulfillment. Additionally, businesses should amplify benefits, directing attention toward the practical advantages and value that their products or services offer. Such brand positioning strategies will contribute to enhancing competitiveness and market share.


1. Forbes. "The Role of Brand Purpose in Consumer Purchase Decisions." (2019)
2. Harvard Business Review. "The Elements of Value." (2016)






在市場經濟中,品牌吸引力是企業取得成功的關鍵因素之一。Theodore Levitt曾經說過一句經典話:“Sell the hole, not the drill”(賣的是洞,不是鑽頭),這句話深刻地揭示了品牌建設的核心原則。本文將解釋為什麼放大收穫比放大功能更有價值。






另一個重要的原則是放大收穫,而不是放大功能。這意味著企業應該將注意力放在產品或服務給消費者帶來的實際效益和價值上,而不僅僅是產品的特點和功能。根據一項由Harvard Business Review進行的研究,消費者更傾向於購買那些能夠為他們帶來實際收穫的產品或服務。因此,企業應該將資源投入到提供更好的使用體驗、更高的效能和更多的價值上,這將有助於提高品牌吸引力和消費者忠誠度。




1. Forbes. "The Role of Brand Purpose in Consumer Purchase Decisions." (2019)
2. Harvard Business Review. "The Elements of Value." (2016)
