

SAM BRANDESIGN was entrusted with the branding project for FANN Hair Salon, a prestigious salon located in Taiwan. Our work included brand positioning, English naming, logo design, brand messaging, and business card design.  The design concept centers around the themes of "natural healing" and "mind-body-spirit energy", offering clients an immersive experience that transforms both their outer appearance and inner well-being. The brand vision is to provide a holistic journey of renewal, helping individuals achieve their ideal self from within.


SAM BRANDESIGN為台灣『FANN - 梵沙龍會館』負責其品牌設計專案,包含品牌定位、英文命名、標誌設計、品牌訊息以及名片設計。 本次設計理念圍繞於「自然療癒」與「身心靈能量」的核心價值,旨在為顧客提供一場從內而外的徹底蛻變,實現理想中的自我形象。品牌傳達的是一種全方位的重生體驗,促使每一位顧客在身心靈層面得到真正的放鬆與調和。


The brand name "FANN" is inspired by the Arabic translation, symbolizing art, style, expertise, and creativity. For the logo, we focused on a balance of "comfort" and "nature", incorporating key elements such as the lounge chair—an essential feature of the salon—and the delicate veins of a leaf, which symbolize energy and vitality. The flowing lines in the design reflect the beauty and healing power found in nature, creating a visual harmony that speaks to the brand’s philosophy of relaxation and rejuvenation.




The brand messaging "As the body is bathed in the forest. As the spirit is purified in the sacred," beautifully captures FANN’s promise: a holistic transformation that helps every customer feel refreshed balanced and at peace.


在品牌訊息設計上,我們提出 「如林沐浴之凡身,如梵純淨之心靈」 及其英文對應 "As the body is bathed in the forest. As the spirit is purified in the sacred.",以詩意語言呈現身心靈全面重生的品牌價值,讓每位顧客在和諧氛圍中體驗內外兼修的療癒力量。



"Fann由〔梵〕以阿拉伯語的翻譯也代表著藝術、風格、專業與創造力。如林沐浴之凡身,如梵純淨之心靈。很感謝SAM BRANDESIGN賦予品牌這麼有生命力的定義,從一開始的名字溝通到logo設計,完全是依循著品牌的定位而設計……品牌色調與該有的樣子和具有生命力的故事……我都很喜歡,謝謝您"


- 梵 沙龍會館 -
