nininono | 尼諾電商平台

nininono | 尼諾電商平台

SAM BRANDESIGN was responsible for the overall brand upgrade of the "nininono e-commerce platform." The services included the brand logo, brand colors, website style, and brand tagline. The nininono e-commerce platform was founded by YouTubers Ariel & Shine, known as "Ariel's Travel Vlog." Nininono is derived from their local language and represents a state of laziness, relaxation, and enjoyment, just like the products the brand aims to offer its target audience.The overall brand visual combines fun and modern elements. The tilted "i" in the brand standard font represents playfulness and enjoyment, while the simple geometric shapes in the brand logo make it easily memorable and distinguishable.


SAM BRANDESIGN為『nininono電商平台』進行整體的品牌升級,服務內容包含品牌標誌、品牌顏色、品牌官網風格及品牌標語。nininono電商平台由 YouTuber 欸你這週要幹嘛 Ariel & Shine 創立。nininono產自家鄉的語言記憶,它可以代表慵懶、軟爛、放鬆、享受的一種狀態, 猶如品牌希望帶給他們受眾族群的產品相同。整體的品牌視覺結合趣味與現代感,品牌標準字的『 i 』加以傾斜代表逗趣玩樂,品牌標誌圖形以簡單幾何造型讓人容易記憶與分辨。


The brand colors primarily consist of a lazy greyish-blue as the main color, paired with a cheerful yellow as an accent color, conveying the brand's relaxed and clever attitude towards life. The brand slogan revolves around the core concept of "laziness," directly and clearly expressing the brand's philosophy and pursuit of a #lazygoodlife.





"感謝SAM BRANDESIGN團隊在我們品牌在迎來三週年、希望能優化品牌視覺形象時,聆聽我們的需求,並從中協助我們整理對於品牌的思考,進而幫助我們設計了代表品牌的logo和品牌CIS色。推薦給新創公司或是需要rebranding的品牌!"


- nininono -

