FOMO是一種常見的心理現象,在這個資訊豐富的時代尤為突出。它對品牌設計和市場推廣具有重要的影響,可以激發消費者的興趣和購買意願。然而,我們也需要注意適度使用FOMO,以免過度消費和陷入不必要的焦慮之中。 Captivating Consumer Action with FOMO

Captivating Consumer Action with FOMO

In this era of information overload, our lives are inundated with countless messages every day. Social media, advertisements, news, and online discussions present us with endless choices and opportunities. In such circumstances, people often experience a sense of anxiety, fearing that they might miss out on something important. This psychological state of anxiety is commonly referred to as FOMO, an abbreviation for "Fear of Missing Out."


FOMO is a prevalent psychological phenomenon that plays a significant role in the field of marketing. Many brands and marketing campaigns leverage FOMO to attract consumers and stimulate their desire to make purchases. When individuals fear missing out on certain products, services, or events, they are more likely to take action to avoid missing those opportunities.


The psychological effect of FOMO can be traced back to our primal instincts. In ancient times, when our ancestors lived in environments with limited resources, missing out on any crucial resource could have had a significant impact on their survival. Therefore, our brains naturally generate a fear of missing out when faced with new opportunities and resources, driving us to take action.


However, in modern society, the types and quantities of resources have become incredibly diverse and abundant. We are constantly bombarded with a wide array of choices that are incessantly presented to us. This is where the influence of FOMO becomes even more apparent. People fear missing out not only on tangible resources but also on opportunities and experiences perceived as valuable.


The impact of FOMO on brand design is of utmost importance. When a brand is able to create a unique experience or opportunity and successfully instill a sense of potential missed-out experiences in individuals, it stimulates their interest and willingness to make purchases. For example, limited-time offers, exclusive products, or unique events can trigger FOMO in people and motivate them to take action.


Furthermore, social media plays a crucial role in the FOMO phenomenon. When we see others sharing their exciting experiences, unique products, or special events on social media, we often experience a sense of unease, fearing that we might be missing out on something significant. This uneasiness compels us to actively engage in social media, sharing our own lives and experiences to avoid feeling left out.


However, FOMO also has some negative effects. When people become excessively focused on the fear of missing out and constantly chase after trends, they may experience stress and anxiety. Moreover, FOMO can lead to excessive consumption and wastage of resources, as individuals often purchase things they don't actually need out of the fear of missing out on an opportunity.


In conclusion, FOMO is a common psychological phenomenon that is particularly pronounced in this information-rich era. It has a significant impact on brand design and marketing, as it can stimulate consumers' interest and willingness to make purchases. However, it is essential to use FOMO in moderation to avoid excessive consumption and unnecessary anxiety.



- Berger, J. (2013). Contagious: How to Build Word of Mouth in the Digital Age. Simon & Schuster.
- Fitzsimons, G. J., Chartrand, T. L., & Fitzsimons, G. M. (2008). Automatic effects of brand exposure on motivated behavior: How Apple makes you "Think Different". Journal of Consumer Research, 35(1), 21-35.
- Kardes, F. R., Cronley, M. L., & Cline, T. W. (2011). Consumer behavior. Cengage Learning.







在這個資訊爆炸的時代,每天都有無數的訊息湧入我們的生活。社交媒體、廣告、新聞、網路上的各種話題,不斷地向我們展示著無限的選擇和機會。在這種情況下,人們往往感到一種焦慮,害怕自己錯過了什麼重要的事情或機會。這種焦慮的心理狀態被縮寫為FOMO,即"Fear of Missing Out",中文翻譯為「害怕錯過」。

















- Berger, J. (2013). Contagious: How to Build Word of Mouth in the Digital Age. Simon & Schuster.
- Fitzsimons, G. J., Chartrand, T. L., & Fitzsimons, G. M. (2008). Automatic effects of brand exposure on motivated behavior: How Apple makes you "Think Different". Journal of Consumer Research, 35(1), 21-35.
- Kardes, F. R., Cronley, M. L., & Cline, T. W. (2011). Consumer behavior. Cengage Learning.
