西蒙·西奈克所說的“人們不是因為你做了什麼而購買,而是因為你為什麼做而購買”的觀點揭示了品牌設計的重要性。人們更願意支持和購買那些有明確使命和價值觀的品牌,因為這樣的品牌能夠與他們的價值觀相契合,並引起情感共鳴。在品牌設計中,傳達品牌的使命和價值觀是至關重要的,並需要以適當的設計元素和視覺風格來呈現。 Inspiring Brands That Matter

Inspiring Brands That Matter

"People don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it." This statement, coined by renowned speaker Simon Sinek in his book "Start with Why," holds profound meaning. It emphasizes that people are more inclined to be attracted to a brand with a clear mission and values, rather than solely focusing on the product or service itself.


Imagine walking into a store and seeing a display case filled with various smartphones. Each phone looks similar and offers similar functionalities. A salesperson approaches you and says, "Our phones are great. They boast excellent performance and advanced technology." How would you feel? You might find these phones uninspiring because they all look the same and lack any distinctive features.


Now, let's change the scenario. You enter another store and once again encounter a display case filled with smartphones. However, this time, a salesperson approaches you and says, "Our phones are inspired by the beauty of nature's landscapes. Each phone represents a unique ecological environment. Through our phone designs, we aim to raise awareness and promote the protection of our planet." Would you be intrigued this time? Would the brand's mission capture your attention?


This example illustrates the true meaning behind the statement "People don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it." When purchasing a product or service, people are more interested in a brand's values, mission, and beliefs. When a brand effectively communicates why it exists, its goals, and the values it pursues, people find it easier to establish an emotional connection with that brand.


This has a profound impact on the development of brand design. Brand design goes beyond the appearance and logo of a product; it's about conveying the core values and mission of the brand. Through design, a brand can create a unique visual style and emotional experience that helps people better understand and resonate with the brand's significance.


Successful brand design should evoke emotional resonance, making people feel that the brand aligns with their values and beliefs. This resonance goes beyond a mere connection between consumers and the brand; it fosters emotional connection and loyalty. When individuals perceive that a brand's mission and values align with their own, they are more likely to become loyal customers, supporting and purchasing the brand's products or services in the long run.


Many successful brands are renowned for their unique missions and values. For example, Apple's mission is to change the world through innovation and design, rather than merely manufacturing electronic products. Google's mission is to provide convenience and infinite knowledge to global information seekers. The success of these brands stems not only from the excellence of their products and services, but also their ability to effectively communicate their mission and values, establishing an emotional connection with consumers.


In the process of brand design, clearly defining a brand's mission and values is crucial. This requires brand owners and designers to deeply contemplate the brand's core values and objectives, and translate them into design elements and visual styles. Through appropriate color choices, font designs, imagery, and logos, brand design can effectively convey the brand's mission and values, eliciting resonance from consumers.


In conclusion, Simon Sinek's statement "People don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it" sheds light on the importance of brand design. People are more inclined to support and purchase from brands with a clear mission and values because such brands align with their own values and evoke emotional resonance. In brand design, effectively communicating a brand's mission and values is crucial, and it should be presented through appropriate design elements and visual styles.



Sinek, S. (2009). Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action. Penguin Books.







人們不是因為你做了什麼而購買,而是因為你為什麼做而購買。這句話是著名演講家西蒙·西奈克(Simon Sinek)所說的,他在他的書籍《開始吧!為什麼》(Start with Why)中提出了這一觀點。這句話的真正含義是,人們更容易被一個有明確使命和價值觀的品牌所吸引,而不僅僅是產品或服務本身。



















Sinek, S. (2009). Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action. Penguin Books.
